Application Object

class groundwork.App(config_files=None, plugins=None, strict=False)

Application object for a groundwork app. Loads configurations, configures logs, initialises and activates plugins and provides managers.

Performed steps during start up:
  1. load configuration
  2. configure logs
  3. get valid groundwork plugins
  4. activate configured plugins
  • config_files (list of str) – List of config files, which shall be loaded
  • plugins (Plugin-Classes, based on GwBasePattern) – List of plugins, which shall be registered
  • strict – If true, Exceptions are thrown, if a plugin can not be initialised or activated.

Configures the logging module with a given dictionary, which in most cases was loaded from a configuration file.

If no dictionary is provided, it falls back to a default configuration.

See Python docs for more information.

Parameters:logger_dict – dictionary for logger.
config = None

Instance of ConfigManager. Used to load different configuration files and create a common configuration object.

log = None

logging object for sending log messages. Example:

from groundwork import App
my_app = App()
my_app.log.debug("Send debug message")
my_app.log.error("Send error....")
name = None

Name of the application. Is configurable by parameter “APP_NAME” of a configuration file.

path = None

Absolute application path. Is configurable by parameter “APP_PATH” of a configuration file. If not given, the current working directory is taken. The path is used to calculate absolute paths for tests, documentation and much more.

plugins = None

Instance of PluginManager- Provides functions to load, activate and

signals = None

Instance of SignalsApplication. Provides functions to register and fire


class groundwork.signals.SignalsApplication(app)

Signal and Receiver management class on application level. This class is initialised once per groundwork application object.

Provides functions to register and send signals. And to connect receivers to signals.

Parameters:app (GwApp) – The groundwork application object
connect(receiver, signal, function, plugin, description='', sender=None)

Connect a receiver to a signal

  • receiver (str) – Name of the receiver
  • signal (str) – Name of the signal. Must already be registered!
  • function – Callable functions, which shall be executed, of signal is send.
  • plugin – The plugin objects, which connects one of its functions to a signal.
  • description – Description of the reason or use case, why this connection is needed. Used for documentation.
  • sender – If set, only signals from this sender will be send to ths receiver.

Disconnect a receiver from a signal. Signal and receiver must exist, otherwise an exception is thrown.

Parameters:receiver – Name of the receiver
get(signal=None, plugin=None)

Get one or more signals.

  • signal (str) – Name of the signal
  • plugin (GwBasePattern) – Plugin object, under which the signals where registered
get_receiver(receiver=None, plugin=None)

Get one or more receivers.

  • receiver (str) – Name of the signal
  • plugin (GwBasePattern) – Plugin object, under which the signals where registered
receivers = None

Dictionary of registered receivers. Dictionary key is the registered receiver name. Value is an instance of Receiver.

register(signal, plugin, description='')

Registers a new signal.

  • signal – Unique name of the signal
  • plugin – Plugin, which registers the new signal
  • description – Description of the reason or use case, why this signal is needed. Used for documentation.
send(signal, plugin, **kwargs)

Sends a signal for the given plugin.

  • signal (str) – Name of the signal
  • plugin (GwBasePattern) – Plugin object, under which the signals where registered
signals = None

Dictionary of registered signals. Dictionary key is the registered signal name. Value is an instance of Signal.


Unregisters an existing signal

Parameters:signal – Name of the signal
class groundwork.signals.Signal(name, plugin, namespace, description='')

Groundwork signal class. Used to store name, description and plugin.

This information is mostly used to generated overviews about registered signals and their send history.

  • name (str) – Name of the signal
  • namespace – Namespace of the signal. There is one per groundwork app.
  • description (str) – Additional description for the signal
  • plugin (GwBasePattern) – The plugin, which registered this signal
class groundwork.signals.Receiver(name, signal, function, plugin, namespace, description='', sender=None)

Subscriber class, which stores information for documentation purposes.

  • name (str) – Name of the Subscriber
  • signal (str) – Signal name(s)
  • namespace – Namespace of the signal. There is one per groundwork app.
  • function – Callable function, which gets executed, if signal is sent.
  • plugin (GwBasePattern) – Plugin object, which registered the subscriber
  • description (str) – Additional description about the subscriber.



class groundwork.configuration.configmanager.ConfigManager(config_files=[])

Loads different configuration files and sets their attributes as attributes of its own instance.

A configuration file must be an importable python file.

Only uppercase attributes are loaded. Everything else is ignored. Example:

import os
APP_NAME = "My APP"                     # Is used
APP_PATH = os.path.abspath(".")         # Is used
app_test = "test"                       # Is NOT used
MY_OWN_VAR = "nice"                     # Is used
config = None

An instance of Config for storing all configuration parameters.


Creates a configuration instance from class Config from all files in self.files and set the dictionary items as attributes of of this instance.

Returns:Instance of Config


class groundwork.configuration.configmanager.Config

Stores all configuration parameters and handles access to it.


import groundwork my_app = groundwork.App(config_files=[“my_config.py”]) param = my_app.config.get(“MY_PARAM”, default=”Not set”)

my_app.config.set(“MY_PARAM_2, value=12345) param_2 = my_app.config.get(“MY_PARAM_2”)

get(name, default=None)

Returns an existing configuration parameter. If not available, the default value is used.

  • name – Name of the configuration parameter
  • default – Default value, if parameter is not set
set(name, value, overwrite=False)

Sets a new value for a given configuration parameter.

If it already exists, an Exception is thrown. To overwrite an existing value, set overwrite to True.

  • name – Unique name of the parameter
  • value – Value of the configuration parameter
  • overwrite (boolean) – If true, an existing parameter of name gets overwritten without warning or exception.


The pluginmanager module cares about the management of plugin status and their changes between status.

There are two manager classes for managing plugin related objects.

  • PluginManager: Cares about initialised Plugins, which can be activated and deactivated.
  • PluginClassManager: Cares about plugin classes, which are used to create plugins.

A plugin class can be reused for several plugins. The only thing to care about is the naming of a plugin. This plugin name must be unique inside a groundwork app and can be set during plugin initialisation/activation.


class groundwork.pluginmanager.PluginManager(app)

PluginManager for searching, initialising, activating and deactivating groundwork plugins.


Internal functions to perform registration actions after plugin load was successful.


Activates given plugins.

This calls mainly plugin.activate() and plugins register needed resources like commands, signals or documents.

If given plugins have not been initialised, this is also done via _load().

Parameters:plugins (list of strings) – List of plugin names
classes = None

Instance of PluginClassManager. Handles the registration of plugin classes, which can be used to create new plugins during runtime.


Deactivates given plugins.

A given plugin must be activated, otherwise it is ignored and no action takes place (no signals are fired, no deactivate functions are called.)

A deactivated plugin is still loaded and initialised and can be reactivated by calling activate() again. It is also still registered in the PluginManager and can be requested via get().

Parameters:plugins (list of strings) – List of plugin names

Returns True if plugin exists. :param name: plugin name :return: boolean


Returns the plugin object with the given name. Or if a name is not given, the complete plugin dictionary is returned.

Parameters:name – Name of a plugin
Returns:None, single plugin or dictionary of plugins
initialise(clazz, name=None)

Initialises given plugins, but does not activate them.

This is needed to import and configure libraries, which are imported by used patterns, like GwFlask.

After this action, all needed python modules are imported and configured. Also the groundwork application object is ready and contains functions and objects, which were added by patterns, like app.commands from GwCommandsPattern.

The class of a given plugin must already be registered in the PluginClassManager.

Parameters:plugins (list of strings) – List of plugin names

Returns True if plugin exists and is active. If plugin does not exist, it returns None

Parameters:name – plugin name
Returns:boolean or None


class groundwork.pluginmanager.PluginClassManager(app)

Manages the plugin classes, which can be used to initialise and activate new plugins.

Loads all plugin classes from entry_point “groundwork.plugin” automatically during own initialisation. Provides functions to register new plugin classes during runtime.


Registers plugin classes, which are in sys.path and have an entry_point called ‘groundwork.plugin’. :return: dict of plugin classes


Returns True if plugin class exists. :param name: plugin name :return: boolean


Returns the plugin class object with the given name. Or if a name is not given, the complete plugin dictionary is returned.

Parameters:name – Name of a plugin
Returns:None, single plugin or dictionary of plugins

Registers new plugins.

The registration only creates a new entry for a plugin inside the _classes dictionary. It does not activate or even initialise the plugin.

A plugin must be a class, which inherits directly or indirectly from GwBasePattern.

Parameters:classes (list) – List of plugin classes
register_class(clazz, name=None, entrypoint_name=None, distribution_path=None, distribution_key=None, distribution_version=None)

Plugin Patterns


gw_base_pattern provides all basic classes and functions, which are needed by any kind of groundwork plugin or pattern.

It mostly cares about the correct activation and deactivation. Including sending signals to inform other patterns or plugins about status changes of a plugin.

class groundwork.patterns.gw_base_pattern.GwBasePattern(app, name=None, *args, **kwargs)

Base pattern class for all plugins and patterns.


from groundwork.patterns import GwBasePattern

class MyPlugin(GwBasePattern):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def activate():
        self.signals.register("MySignal", "My description about signal)

    def deactivate():
  • app (groundwork.App.) – groundwork application object, for which the plugin shall be initialised.
  • name – Unique name. Normally set by plugin.

Must be overwritten by the plugin class itself.

app = None

groundwork application instance. Access it inside a plugin via self.app.


Must be overwritten by the plugin class itself.

log = None

A logger, especially created for this plugin. Usage inside a plugin: self.log.warn("WARNING!!").

The logger name is the same as the plugin name. Therefor it is possible to configure the application logging to show log messages of a specif plugin only. See Logging

needed_plugins = None

Variable for storing dependencies to other plugins. Tuple must contains needed plugin names. needed_plugins = (“MyPlugin”, “MyPlugin2)

signals = None

Instance of SignalsPlugin. Provides functions to register and manage signals and retrievers.

All action takes place in the context of this plugin. For instance a self.signals.get() will return signals of this plugin only. To get all signals of an application, please use self.app.signals.get().

class groundwork.patterns.gw_base_pattern.SignalsPlugin(plugin)

Signal and Receiver management class on plugin level. This class gets initiated once per plugin.

Mostly delegates function calls to the groundwork.signals.SignalListApplication instance on application level.

Parameters:plugin (GwBasePattern) – The plugin, which wants to use signals
connect(receiver, signal, function, description, sender=None)

Connect a receiver to a signal

  • receiver (str) – Name of the receiver
  • signal (str) – Name of the signal. Must already be registered!
  • function – Callable functions, which shall be executed, of signal is send.
  • description – Description of the reason or use case, why this connection is needed. Used for documentation.

Disconnect a receiver from a signal. Receiver must exist, otherwise an exception is thrown.

Parameters:receiver – Name of the receiver

Returns a single signal or a dictionary of signals for this plugin.


Returns a single receiver or a dictionary of receivers for this plugin.

register(signal, description)

Registers a new signal. Only registered signals are allowed to be send.

  • signal – Unique name of the signal
  • description – Description of the reason or use case, why this signal is needed. Used for documentation.
send(signal, **kwargs)

Sends a signal for the given plugin.

Parameters:signal (str) – Name of the signal


class groundwork.patterns.gw_commands_pattern.GwCommandsPattern(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: groundwork.patterns.gw_base_pattern.GwBasePattern

Adds a commandline interface to a groundwork app and allows plugins to register own commands.

The functionality is based on click: http://click.pocoo.org/5/

To register command parameters, you have to create instances of click.Option or click.Argument manually and
add them to the register-parameter “params”


from groundwork import GwCommandsPattern
from click import Option

class MyPlugin(GwCommandsPattern)

    def activate(self):
                               description="Help for my command",
                               params=[Option(("--test", "-t"), help="Some
                               dummy text")])

    def my_command(self, my_test):
            print("Command executed! my_test=%s" % my_test)

For a complete list of configurable options, please take a look into the related click documentation of Option and Argument

Starting the command line interface

Groundwork does not start automatically the command line interface. This step must be done by the application developer. Example

from groundwork import GwApp

gw_app = GwApp(plugins=["MyCommandPlugin"])

Must be overwritten by the plugin class itself.

commands = None

Instance of CommandsListPlugin. Provides functions to register and manage commands for a command line interface.


Must be overwritten by the plugin class itself.

class groundwork.patterns.gw_commands_pattern.CommandsListPlugin(plugin)

Returns commands, which can be filtered by name.

Parameters:name (str) – name of the command
Returns:None, single command or dict of commands
register(command, description, function, params=[])

Registers a new command for a plugin.

  • command – Name of the command
  • description – Description of the command. Is used as help message on cli
  • function – function reference, which gets invoked if command gets called.
  • params – list of click options and arguments

command object


Unregisters an existing command, so that this command is no longer available on the command line interface. This function is mainly used during plugin deactivation.

Parameters:command – Name of the command
class groundwork.patterns.gw_commands_pattern.CommandsListApplication(app)
get(name=None, plugin=None)

Returns commands, which can be filtered by name or plugin.

  • name (str) – name of the command
  • plugin (instance of GwBasePattern) – plugin object, which registers the commands

None, single command or dict of commands

register(command, description, function, params=[], plugin=None)

Registers a new command, which can be used on a command line interface (cli).

  • command – Name of the command
  • description – Description of the command. Is used as help message on cli
  • function – function reference, which gets invoked if command gets called.
  • params – list of click options and arguments
  • plugin – the plugin, which registered this command

command object

start_cli(*args, **kwargs)

Start the command line interface for the application.

  • args – arguments
  • kwargs – keyword arguments



Unregisters an existing command, so that this command is no longer available on the command line interface.

This function is mainly used during plugin deactivation.

Parameters:command – Name of the command


class groundwork.patterns.gw_shared_objects_pattern.GwSharedObjectsPattern(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: groundwork.patterns.gw_base_pattern.GwBasePattern

Pattern, which provides access to shared object functionality.

Use shared objects to provide access for other plugins to objects, which are created by this plugin. Or use it to get access to objects provided by other plugins.

Common use cases are stores, which handle business logic and database abstraction. E.g. a user store.

Provided function:

  • self.shared_objects.register()
  • self.shared_objects.unregister()
  • self.shared_objects.get()
class groundwork.patterns.gw_shared_objects_pattern.SharedObjectsListPlugin(plugin)

Cares about plugin function for shared objects on plugin level.

The class mainly directs most function calls to the ShareObjectApplication class, which is initiated on application level.


Returns the object of the shared_object, if the given name has been registered. The search is done on application level, so registered shared objects form other plugins can be access.

Parameters:name – Name of the shared object
Returns:object, whatever it may be…

Returns requested shared objects, which were registered by the current plugin.

If access to objects of other plugins are needed, use access() or perform get on application level:

Parameters:name (str or None) – Name of a request shared object
register(name, description, obj)

Registers a new shared object.

  • name (str) – Unique name for shared object
  • description (str) – Description of shared object
  • obj (any type) – The object, which shall be shared

Unregisters an already registered shared object.

Parameters:shared_object (str) – name of the shared object
class groundwork.patterns.gw_shared_objects_pattern.SharedObjectsListApplication(app)

Cares about shared objects on application level.


Returns the object of the shared_object, if the given name has been registered.

Unlike get(), which returns the complete instance of a shared object, including name, description, plugin, access() returns the object only (without any meta data).

Parameters:name – Name of the shared object
Returns:object, whatever it may be…
get(name=None, plugin=None)

Returns requested shared objects.

  • name (str or None) – Name of a request shared object
  • plugin (GwBasePattern instance or None) – Plugin, which has registered the requested shared object
register(name, description, obj, plugin)

Registers a new shared object.

  • name (str) – Unique name for shared object
  • description (str) – Description of shared object
  • obj (any type) – The object, which shall be shared
  • plugin – Plugin, which registers the new shared object

Unregisters an existing shared object, so that this shared object is no longer available.

This function is mainly used during plugin deactivation.

Parameters:shared_object – Name of the shared_object


class groundwork.patterns.gw_documents_pattern.GwDocumentsPattern(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: groundwork.patterns.gw_base_pattern.GwBasePattern

Documents can be collected by other Plugins to present their content inside user documentation, online help, console output or whatever.

Please see Documents for more details.


Must be overwritten by the plugin class itself.


Must be overwritten by the plugin class itself.

documents = None

Stores an instance of DocumentsListPlugin

class groundwork.patterns.gw_documents_pattern.DocumentsListPlugin(plugin)

Stores and handles documents.

These documents are used for real-time and offline documentation of a groundwork application.

The content of a document must be string, which is can contain jinja and rst syntax.

Plugins, which want to generate a documentation out of all documents, must render this content (jinja render_template) and transform the rst by the own (e.g. by using rst2html).

Please see Documents for more details.

register(name, content, description=None)

Register a new document.

  • content (str) – Content of this document. Jinja and rst are supported.
  • name – Unique name of the document for documentation purposes.
  • description – Short description of this document
class groundwork.patterns.gw_documents_pattern.DocumentsListApplication(app)
get(document=None, plugin=None)

Get one or more documents.

  • document (str) – Name of the document
  • plugin (GwBasePattern) – Plugin object, under which the document was registered
register(name, content, plugin, description=None)

Registers a new document.

  • content (str) – Content of the document
  • name – Unique name of the document for documentation purposes.
  • plugin (GwBasePattern) – Plugin object, under which the documents where registered

Unregisters an existing document, so that this document is no longer available.

This function is mainly used during plugin deactivation.

Parameters:document – Name of the document


class groundwork.patterns.gw_threads_pattern.GwThreadsPattern(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: groundwork.patterns.gw_base_pattern.GwBasePattern

Threads can be created and started to perform tasks in the background and in parallel to the main application.

Please see Threads for more details.


Must be overwritten by the plugin class itself.


Must be overwritten by the plugin class itself.

threads = None

Stores an instance of ThreadsListPlugin

class groundwork.patterns.gw_threads_pattern.ThreadsListPlugin(plugin)

Stores and handles threads.

Please see Threads for more details.

register(name, function, description=None)

Register a new thread.

  • function (function) – Function, which gets called for the new thread
  • name – Unique name of the thread for documentation purposes.
  • description – Short description of the thread
class groundwork.patterns.gw_threads_pattern.ThreadsListApplication(app)
get(thread=None, plugin=None)

Get one or more threads.

  • thread (str) – Name of the thread
  • plugin (GwBasePattern) – Plugin object, under which the thread was registered
register(name, function, plugin, description=None)

Registers a new document.

  • function (function) – Function, which gets called for the new thread
  • name – Unique name of the thread for documentation purposes.
  • plugin (GwBasePattern) – Plugin object, under which the threads where registered
  • description – Short description of the thread

Unregisters an existing thread, so that this thread is no longer available.

This function is mainly used during plugin deactivation.

Parameters:thread – Name of the thread
class groundwork.patterns.gw_threads_pattern.Thread(name, function, plugin, description=None)

Groundwork thread class. Used to store name, function and plugin.

This information is mostly used to generated overviews about registered threads.

  • name (str) – Name of the thread
  • function (function) – Function, which gets called inside the thread
  • plugin (GwBasePattern) – The plugin, which registered this thread
  • description – short description of this thread
response = None

Stores the function return value, if thread has finished


Runs the thread

Parameters:kwargs – dictionary of keyword arguments
running = None

True, if thread is running. Otherwise its False.

thread = None

Thread base class. Type is threading.Thread

time_end = None

datetime object of the ending moment

time_start = None

datetime object of the starting moment

class groundwork.patterns.gw_threads_pattern.ThreadWrapper(thread)

Wrapper class, which inherits from threading.Thread and performs some useful tasks before and after the provided functions gets executed.



Groundwork recipe pattern.

Provides function to register, get and build recipes.

Recipes are used create directories and files based on a given template and some user input. It is mostly used to speed up the set up of new python packages, groundwork applications or projects.

Based on cookiecutter: https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter/

class groundwork.patterns.gw_recipes_pattern.GwRecipesPattern(*args, **kwargs)

Must be overwritten by the plugin class itself.


Must be overwritten by the plugin class itself.

recipes = None

Stores an instance of RecipesListPlugin

class groundwork.patterns.gw_recipes_pattern.RecipesListPlugin(plugin)

Cares about the recipe management on plugin level. Allows to register, get and build recipes in the context of the current plugin.

Parameters:plugin – plugin, which shall be used as contxt.

Builds a recipe

Parameters:recipe – Name of the recipe to build.

Gets a list of all recipes, which are registered by the current plugin. If a name is provided, only the requested recipe is returned or None.

Param:name: Name of the recipe
register(name, path, description, final_words=None)

Registers a new recipe in the context of the current plugin.

  • name – Name of the recipe
  • path – Absolute path of the recipe folder
  • description – A meaningful description of the recipe
  • final_words – A string, which gets printed after the recipe was build.

Unregister a recipe of the current plugin.

Parameters:recipe – Name of the recipe.
class groundwork.patterns.gw_recipes_pattern.RecipesListApplication(app)

Cares about the recipe management on application level. Allows to register, get and build recipes.

Parameters:app – groundwork application instance
build(recipe, plugin=None)

Execute a recipe and creates new folder and files.

  • recipe – Name of the recipe
  • plugin – Name of the plugin, to which the recipe must belong.
get(recipe=None, plugin=None)

Get one or more recipes.

  • recipe (str) – Name of the recipe
  • plugin (GwBasePattern) – Plugin object, under which the recipe was registered
register(name, path, plugin, description=None, final_words=None)

Registers a new recipe.


Unregisters an existing recipe, so that this recipe is no longer available.

This function is mainly used during plugin deactivation.

Parameters:recipe – Name of the recipe
class groundwork.patterns.gw_recipes_pattern.Recipe(name, path, plugin, description='', final_words='')

A recipe is an existing folder, which will be handled by the underlying cookiecutter library as template folder.

  • name – Name of the recipe
  • path – Absolute path to the recipe folder
  • plugin – Plugin which registers the recipe
  • description – Meaningful description of the recipe
  • final_words – String, which gets printed after a recipe was successfully build.
build(output_dir=None, **kwargs)

Buildes the recipe and creates needed folder and files. May ask the user for some parameter inputs.

Parameters:output_dir – Path, where the recipe shall be build. Default is the current working directory
Returns:location of the installed recipe



class groundwork.plugins.gw_documents_info.GwDocumentsInfo(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: groundwork.patterns.gw_commands_pattern.GwCommandsPattern, groundwork.patterns.gw_documents_pattern.GwDocumentsPattern

Provides a little documentation viewer for all registered documents. Accessible via app doc.

Presents also an overview about all registered documents of an application. Accessible via app doc_list.


class groundwork.plugins.gw_plugins_info.GwPluginsInfo(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: groundwork.patterns.gw_commands_pattern.GwCommandsPattern, groundwork.patterns.gw_documents_pattern.GwDocumentsPattern

Collects information about plugins, which are registered at the current application.

Collected information are accessible via command line or via a generated document during documentation generation (Additional plugin needed)


class groundwork.plugins.gw_signals_info.GwSignalsInfo(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: groundwork.patterns.gw_commands_pattern.GwCommandsPattern, groundwork.patterns.gw_documents_pattern.GwDocumentsPattern


class groundwork.plugins.gw_commands_info.GwCommandsInfo(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: groundwork.patterns.gw_documents_pattern.GwDocumentsPattern, groundwork.patterns.gw_commands_pattern.GwCommandsPattern

Provides documents for giving an overview about registered commands.


class groundwork.plugins.gw_recipes_builder.GwRecipesBuilder(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: groundwork.patterns.gw_commands_pattern.GwCommandsPattern, groundwork.patterns.gw_recipes_pattern.GwRecipesPattern

Provides commands for listing and building recipes via command line interface.

Provided commands:

  • recipe_list
  • recipe_build

Provides also the recipe gw_package, which can be used to setup a groundwork related python package. Content of the package:

  • setup.py: Preconfigured and ready to use.
  • groundwork package structure: Directories for applications, patterns, plugins and recipes.
  • Simple, runnable example of a groundwork application and plugins.
  • usable test, supported by py.test and tox.
  • expandable documentation, supported by sphinx and the groundwork sphinx template.
  • .gitignore

This code is hardly based on Cookiecutter’s main.py file: https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter/blob/master/cookiecutter/main.py